Friday, November 2

My Inner Demons

  • "I don't know ..."
  • "I don't like ..."
  • "I should really ..."
  • "What if ...?"
  • "How can I ...?"
  • "I shouldn't ..."
  • "How did it get to be this late?"
  • "I didn't ..."
  • "But ..."
  • "I can't ..."
  • "I'm wasting time."

They multiply, these demons. One begets another and then another. Without moving a leg, I run from them to distraction and try to hide away, but they follow me, because they are me, and in distraction they multiply some more. They tie me to my seat without any rope because that is where "I am supposed to" be.

Today, all I really want to do is cry.

When I do, perhaps the storm will pass and I will at last be still.


Lilian said...

Oh dear... I have the same demons, but I've learned to ignore them. Some days are hard, though, and I just cry and write in my journal. Sorry I've only read this 10 days later. This NaBloPoMo thing is not helping me read other people's blogs...

Cheryl said...

You're daily writing is keeping me busy reading, though. ;)

I wonder if, at the end of the month, all you nablopomo folks are going to sigh a collective sigh of relief and disappear for a while?