Saturday, January 19


The crib is ready in the corner of our room. The tiniest baby clothes are washed and in the dresser, next to the blankets and sheets and burp cloths. The next size clothes are easily accessible in a bin under the dresser. The baby slings (three different kinds) have been located and cleaned and are ready for use. The hospital will provide the infant car seat. My suitcase is packed. We've been reading to the boys about babies. Friends and family are on call.

But ... nesting is not resting.

Low amniotic fluids, baby too young, IV hydration. Induction if the fluid levels don't come up.

Was it all the racing around to get everything ready that caused amniotic fluid levels to drop? Or am I nesting because I sense the baby is getting ready to come?

The path of modern medicine is precaution.

My path now is to rest, and listen to my body. When I am thirsty, drink.

Written Thursday in the hospital with an IV in one arm. Fluid levels went up to doctor's satisfaction. I see her again on Monday, for another check.


Space Mom said...

37 weeks is okay for the baby...
Just LISTEN to your body and slow down!!! Drink drink drink!

Waiting patiently for your next crew member

Shelli said...

It's good to hear from you. I'll be thinking of you as you get ready for your new little one! I hope everything goes well. Sending good vibes...

Lilian said...

I too hope everything will go well... I'll be thinking of you and your family. A tiny bit jealous that we probably won't ever have another baby.

Anonymous said...

Remembering well and thinking of you today.

Cheryl said...

Thanks for the thoughts and well-wishes. I'll keep you updated as best I can ... but if you don't hear from me for a while, try checking OFI/OFO.