Sunday, February 3


I could go back to work, throw myself into it, try to make changes that would make me happier in my career, all the while feeling like I am spending too much time away from my beautiful boys, wishing I had time to spend on hobbies and crafts, wishing I had a support network nearby, wishing I had time to meet other mothers of young children, to build a community.

Or I could quit my job and still not have time for hobbies, but the possibilities seem endless if I am not spending 40 hours per week on paid employment. I'm sure I could find some way to make some money if I need to. I can certainly find some time to connect with other moms - after all, I have to do something with the boys if I will be watching them all day. And I'm sure I can find other ways to feel useful, competent, and appreciated.

Would I really throw myself into my work and make changes to my career path while I am worrying about the babes at home? What would I do if I didn't need the money?

The choice seems apparent - leave. But for some reason I still cling to my job. Being an engineer, a "rocket scientist" is wrapped up in my identity, and it is very hard to let it go. Instead, I continue to remind myself that quitting this job doesn't mean quitting my career, even if I take a few years off. And even if I never return to paid employment as an engineer, no one can take that part of my identity away from me. When I am ready to shed it, I will.


Shelli said...

I know it must be so hard, and I wish you luck in making the best decision for yourself. Though, I can't help thinking that if you left your job, after awhile you would ask yourself why didn't you do it much sooner? Yet it is very difficult if you need the money. Boy I know.

jena strong said...

Congratulations on your beauty.

You're in the thick of it, Rocket Mom. I'd love to talk.

xo Jena

Anonymous said...

You're right. There isn't anything to take, and no one to take it from you. When you're ready to let it go, you haven't lost a thing.

Lilian said...

I cannot really imagine how hard it must be. I don't really have a career, so it's easy for me just to let go of my dissertation and graduate school work and concentrate on caring for my boys... I'm beginning to long for something now, though, that Kelvin is in school and Linton is almost for. So I guess our paths are going in different directions.

I hope you feel happy and fulfilled with your decision, though, that's the most important thing!

Mika said...

A late congratulations!! What a beauty...
I hear you - be careful with the question of identity, I think defining ourselves as one thing can be limiting (coming from someone who wraps her identity in being a musician, but trying not to!)
xo Mika

Mika said...

A late congratulations!! What a beauty...
I hear you - be careful with the question of identity, I think defining ourselves as one thing can be limiting (coming from someone who wraps her identity in being a musician, but trying not to!)
xo Mika

Space Mom said...

I found my scientific career was a strong part of my identity. During my maternity leave with S, I found that I missed working. I went back part time.

Fast forward 5 years. I still work part time and expect to for at least 2 more years (my L won't be in 5 day school until 2010) and I love it. I spend mondays with my girls. I get to be MOM, but the rest of the week, I get to be the scientist too...

You have to make the best decision for your family....