Tuesday, October 16

Guilt (part 2)

This guilt has more to do with keeping my job than leaving it.

I feel incredibly guilty for blogging and wandering the internet as much as I do during the day when I am supposed to be working. This, of course, only serves to, on the one hand, convince me that I don't really like what I am supposed to be doing, and, on the other hand, make me feel bad about working so that I like it even less. I'm sure this guilt is a good part of the reason that I feel emotionally numb by the end of the day.

I don't want to feel numb. I want to live!


L said...

Oh my friend... I feel the same way about dissertating at home, and not only that, but with my work as a mother and the chores that need to get done in the household -- I should be working in all these things, but I distract myself with so many things online. So, any kind of work leads to these feelings of guilt and numbness. Even if you do stay at home with the baby and the boys you may feel this. At least that's my experience being in this position (that of "housewife") for three years now since I had to stop working when we moved from our grad. school university.

Cheryl said...

You raise a good point. Right now, I don't feel too bad taking some time for myself ... but if I am avoiding doing things I don't want to do, instead of consciously choosing to do things - that's when I really start to feel bad. I'm sure that will be the same whatever it is I am avoiding ... so the trick is to live consciously.