Wednesday, May 14

Fresh Perspective

I am trying to remember to see life in front of me. Sometimes I need to mix up my routine or my schedule or my furniture or my blog to gain a fresh perspective. The header is a picture I took of some of the tulips on the south side of the house.

Walking down the stairs today, I realized I have already become accustomed to this house. I no longer notice all the details on a regular basis, but today, I saw the leaf detail at the ends of the stairway window curtain rod, and the sticker posing as stained glass on our front door.

I realize that I often would rather be in my own world than trying to keep the boys out of trouble, and keep them fed, and happy and learning. Sometimes I just want to get the laundry done, and other times I really want a break, but those moments that I am really *with* the boys are some of the best times of the day.

I also realize I think I need to give all three of the boys all of my attention all of the time. But they will be okay when I don't. It is okay to do the laundry, or rest, and it is okay if they don't get equal time.

I realize that I have been highly critical of myself since we decided to homeschool R for the remainder of the year. But, I have been reading. Today I realize I don't have to be a teacher. I am a mother. Helping with chores is learning. Playing games is learning. Reading books is learning. I am learning, as well. Together, we are finding our way.


jena strong said...

Reading your blog is learning!

Love the new header.

"Tae's Mom" said...

I think it is great that you are so honest. As for R, he's starting 1st grade. Really,... he just needs to learn to be a good, caring, responsible, and sharing person. Those are things you can teach him without a book or a lesson plan. Also, it makes it easy that he already reads and writes! ;) Keep truck'n mama.
PS. Your flowers are gorgeous.

Shalet said...

Gorgeous tulips! With three kids it is hard to give them all the attention you and they think is needed isn't it? Keep it up mama, keep it up!

Cheryl said...

I'm glad that *someone* is learning something from me.

those are the hardest things to teach

thanks for stopping by and handing out encouragement

Shelli said...

I often long to be in my own little world too, and I always want to get things done. But I have to remember that at the end of my life, I'll look back and think, I should've been more present with my son.